Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. There are Five types of Intellectual property.

  1. Trademarks

Trademarks Act 1999 (TM Act)

Process of Trademark Registration

  • Make application for trademark Registration.
  • Once registration done the “Official Examination Report “send by trademark registry for conformation.
  • After acceptance of application it publish in Trademark Journal.
  • Application will be open for opposed for four months.
  • After all process the trademark certification is issued by the trademark registry.
  • The renewable term of registration of a trademark is 10 years.
  1. Patent

Patents Act 1970

Process of Patent registration

  • File the application and get it numbered.
  • Make request for publication and it will publish within the period of one month.
  • Make request for examination within 48 months form the dates of filing of application.
  • Patent is open for opposition for period of one year form the date of advertisement.
  • The validity of patent is 20 years.
  1. Copyright

Copyrights Act 1957

Process of Copyrights registration

  • File the application with complete details and submit to the copyright office.
  • Application will be open for 30 days for objection from the date of application.
  • If no objection rase the registration will issue by the copyright office.
  1. Design

Design Act 2000

Process of Design registration

  • Make the application with all required documents and submit to the design wing of the patent office.
  • After acceptance of application it will notified in the patent office journal after that the design will be valid for the period of 10 years form the date of registration.
  1. Geographical indication

Geographical indications of goods (registration and protection) Act 1999

Process of geographical indication

  • Make the application to the registry.
  • The application will open for opposition for three months.
  • If application is not opposed then registration will grant ny the registry.
  • The registration is of GI valid for ten years.