Section [ Chapter XXII Companies Incorporated Outside India ] Notification Date
379 Application of Act to Foreign Companies 12/09/2013
380 Documents, etc., to be Delivered to Registrar by Foreign Companies 01/04/2014
381 Accounts of Foreign Company 01/04/2014
382 Display of Name, etc., of Foreign Company 12/09/2013
383 Service on Foreign Company 12/09/2013
384 Debentures, Annual Return, Registration of Charges, Books of Account and Their Inspection 01/04/2014
385 Fee for Registration of Documents 01/04/2014
386 Interpretation 12/09/2013
387 Dating of Prospectus and Particulars to be Contained Therein 01/04/2014
388 Provisions as to Expert’s Consent and Allotment 01/04/2014
389 Registration of Prospectus 01/04/2014
390 Offer of Indian Depository Receipts 01/04/2014
391 Application of Sections 34 to 36 and Chapter XX 01/04/2014
392 Punishment for Contravention 01/04/2014
393 Company’s Failure to Comply With Provisions of This Chapter Not to Affect Validity of Contracts, etc. 01/04/2014
393A Exemptions under this Chapter Notification Awaited